Back to Syia

Sunday afternoon, we took the path back from ancient Lissos on Sougia beach. About seven and a half in the evening just before dark, we reached the trees where we had the car parked, we left the cameras and the rest of our stuff in the car, but Mr. George kept his camera, telling us that we always must be alert and vigilant and that our journey is not over yet...
This quaint seaside village, the ancient Syia, the largest ancient commercial port of southwest Crete, it was serving mother town of Elyros. According to tradition, Elyros was founded by Fylakides and Filandrus, sons of Apollo’s and Akakallis, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae. The boys were milked by a goat and nursed by the hierophant of Tara, the purifier Carmanor. The myth depicted on coins of Elyros. The ancient cities Hyrtakina, Elyros, Lissos and Tarra, had set a monetary union. From there evolved a local federation with the participation of other autonomous communities (Syia, Poikilassos, Kandanos, Aradin, Anopolis, Phoenix), within the sacred core of Diktynna, Lissos.

City Beneath the Waves: Pavlopetri - Η αρχαιότερη βυθισμένη πόλη του κόσμου

Pavlopetri  in Greece is the world's oldest submerged city.  BBC  Two follows the excavation of the site and, using CGI, rebuilds the ...