Sougia to Lissos E4

Sougia to Lissos

As we crossed the small harbor filled with boats featuring the vessel of «Captain George», we saw a slight greenish E4 sign showing the entrance of the gorge. "Do not compare with the Samaria Gorge, this one here is much shorter and milder," said George, who was the only one of us that had visited the place before and he was familiar with the area and the path walk to the ancient city of Lissos. In his opinion, somewhere near Lissos we could identify the mysterious bright object. 

We observed some signs on the ground showing the path. Those were small stones accurately staged one above the other with a view to identifying the trails of the pathway.

Large rocks signed with crosses and other marks such as wooden sticks put together, tree painted arrows with green and yellow colors indicate the course of this trip to Lissos. In front ran Phoebus, Idomeneus' dog, ignoring all signs and codes of people, obviously smelling the footprints of those who have gone before us and the smell of the bleating goats with their bells that could be heard from afar. 

We had a slightly uphill with a minimum slope from the Estuary to the river bed, until we stopped to a small wooden barrier with an olive green and yellow arrow painted on a trunk, pointing left. The trail continues to Zeta shape, to the top of the mountain which is on the south side of the gorge.

Mountain of Lissos

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